This document is out of date and is only valid for V3 of FreeOCR

<Visit download page for V4>

<New Language install instructions>


Languages currently available are:

Portuguese(Brazilian), Fraktur(Old German), Dutch, Spanish, German, Italian, Vietnamese, French & English.

Visit Google Tesseract downloads: Click Here for filtered list

Download your chosen language data pack

Extract using WinRAR, WinZip or similar utility that can open tar.gz compressed files.

Now add the files to FreeOCR

1) Run FreeOCR and click on the 'Settings' menu then choose 'Open Language Folder' to open the required folder
2) Drag and drop the language files.
3) Restart FreeOCR for the changes to take effect.
4) Choose the country code from the drop down box and start OCR'ing !

If you require more information on Tesseract or you are interested in training the OCR engine for a new language then join the Tesseract group here: